He has contributed Psalm 19 in both the Hebrew and English translations, saying, "The book of Psalms is the oldest and most extensive feature of traditional Jewish prayer. This particular psalm expresses a fundamental Jewish teaching that the Divine is encountered in the cosmos around us (and within us) and in ethical values/conduct."
Psalm 19 verse 2 asserts, "the Heavens recount the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims his handiwork," (you can read the full text from Psalm 19 in English and Hebrew on our facebook page:http://www.facebook.com/notes/the-skywheel-project/sacred-text-submission-psalm-19/406293334029)
He also included a truly inspiring quote by philosopher Emmanual Kant, believing that he may have had this particular Psalm in mind when he said, "There are two things that fill my soul with holy reverence and ever-growing wonder- the spectacle of the starry sky that virtually annihilates us as physical beings, and the moral law that raises us to infinite dignity as intelligent agents."
(top right picture cred: Artist unknown)
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