We recently emailed him to invite him to participate as a representative to Skywheel Project, and received an enthusiastic reply from his assistant Timothy Casey, and a prayer by Fr. John Main, who had been Laurence Freeman's spiritual teacher, and had established the first Christian Meditation Center in London. This prayer will be included in the Skywheel Satellite and will one day orbit the planet!
The prayer reads:
"Heavenly Father, open our hearts to the silent presence of the spirit of your Son. Lead us into that mysterious silence where your love is revealed to all who call. Maranatha*...Come, Lord Jesus." * Maranatha is an Aramaic phrase that means "Our Lord, come!" "Our Lord has come" or "Come, O Lord" and is believed to have been used as a greeting between early Christians. (wikipedia) Also, according to wikipedia: " 'Maranatha' is the prayer word recommended by the World Community for Christian Meditation, the community of followers of the teaching of John Main OSB's teachings on the practice of Christian meditation. The prayer is one where one places everything aside: instead of talking to God, one is just being with God, allowing God’s presence to fill one's heart, thus transforming one's inner being."
For more information on the World Community for Christian Meditation, visit their website here:
photo credit: http://sixthformstjames.wordpress.com/2010/01/27/dom-laurence-freeman-osb